Monday, May 18, 2020

Essay on Health Promotion - 1670 Words

â€Å"Health is defined as a state of physical, mental and social well being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity† (WHO). Like wise health promotion is the process of increasing the functional capacity of all people hence promote the sense of well-being. In order to accomplish this goal all health care professionals have to work hard by submitting themselves to their patients and community as a whole. Thus globalize health promotion should be the ultimate mission for all health care team, especially for nurses. Nurses are the first level health care team therefore nurses should play as a role model to all human beings. They should hold various positions in order to achieve optimum results. In this evolving health industry†¦show more content†¦The impacts of health promotion are healthy population and healthy environments. People need to commit themselves in strengthening their learning skills and to change their necessary life styles in order to im prove their health. The Purpose of Health Promotion in Nursing Practice: Health promotion is utmost important to optimize and or to ensure a globalize good quality health. It is a multifactor approach and moreover the health care costs can be reduced to a great extent. Thus today’s bad economic condition can be changed greatly. This enables every individual to function effectively and appropriately. It is necessary to explore concepts of health by interactions between physical, social, psychological and spiritual aspects of life.(Edelman 2010). To prevent further progression of diseases and various opportunistic infections nurses should implement multiple health education strategies and teaching styles. While assessing the patients and their families, present health status, their education, economy, supportive systems, learning skills and its strategies all have to be taken in to consideration. Furthermore implementing primary, secondary and tertiary preventive measures to promote health of all populations in every country thus globalize health promotion is achievable. By considering various aspects of health promotion, evaluating the effectiveness of assessmentsShow MoreRelatedHealth Promotion Model3693 Words   |  15 PagesBreathe Easy: A Health Promotion Model On Asthma Management In School Age (7-11 Year Old) Children Introduction Health is the state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, not merely the absence of disease or infirmity (from WHO, 1946, in Park, 2005) and Health Promotion has been defined as an enterprise involving the development over time, in individuals and communities, of basic and positive states of and conditions for physical, mental and social health (Raeburn and Rootman, 1998Read MoreEssay on Health Promotion Teaching Plan1307 Words   |  6 Pagesï » ¿ Health Promotion Teaching Plan Anita Moore Jacksonville University School of Nursing June 17, 2012 Health Promotion Teaching Plan My emphasis in this assignment is to develop, implement, and assess a teaching plan concentrated on good nutrition and daily exercise for school age children. 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It moves beyond a focus on individual behavior towards a wide range of social and environmental interventions.† Health promotion focuses on changes to a community as well as an individuals health by modifying their behaviors to strive for optimal health, which The American Journal of Health Promotion defines as beingRead MoreHealth Promotion975 Words   |  4 PagesHealth Promotion Health promotion is defined as the provision of information and/or education to individuals, families and communities that encourage family unity, community commitment, and traditional spiritually that makes positive contributions to their health status (Definition of wellness.Com). It is our job as providers to promote health by any means necessary to improve community wellness. The purpose of health promotion in nursing practice is to deliver health information to individuals

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Culture of Philanthropy Essay - 1093 Words

In today’s society, we are blessed with various forms of philanthropy and different ways to achieve this philanthropic culture. When many people think of the term philanthropy, they immediately think of donating money to charities and other non-profit organizations. That is not necessarily the case because an individual can do philanthropy in a variety of different ways. For instance, they can do anything from taking part in or making an organization for the less fortunate. They can even participate in any form of community service that helps ‘people in that community’. Since philanthropy is all about â€Å"civic engagement, essentially social reform and community building.† Therefore, philanthropists need to connect with people and go beyond†¦show more content†¦Philanthropist wants to have a lasting impact on a society; therefore, â€Å"putting band aids on the ills of the community is not their aim.† They understand that without a lasting impact, charities will keep them coming back annually to repeat the same process or cycle. The â€Å"love for humanity is a long-term commitment that involves a futuristic commitment in return.† In short, philanthropy is about creating sustainability for the long run. It represents a direct effort in aiding others without expecting something in return. The humanistic characteristics indicate that often time’s people donate money out of the goodness of their heart. Some usually proclaim that giving is good no matter what the intentions are. As long as the donations is going to a good cause, but what if the meaning behind the donation was not given wholeheartedly? Well, there are those people who are just eager to fill out the checks and to donate money, as long as they receive credit. This is not the case for a philanthropist. They devote their time or other things to help people in the community and expect nothing in return for their actions. They posses the characteristics of a person who cares, appreciates and accepts everyone as they are: homeless, hungry etc. They are true givers and always put others before themselves. Most importantly, they give to an organization that meets their needs. Philanthropist culture is about motivating andShow MoreRelatedA Sorority Is A Subculture Or A Segment Of Society s Population1452 Words   |  6 Pagescan belong to. Each sorority has a different philanthropy which is a foundation that the sorority stands behind. 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A Critical Analysis of Death Metal Songs free essay sample

A Critical Analysis of Death Metal Songs BY Schistose While I wouldnt say that I have the broadest musical taste, I believe that I do have a taste for music outside of my main genre hip hop. For most of middle school, and a bit of high school, I listened to rock and pop bands such as Breaking Benjamin, Skillet, The Black Eyed Peas, and Three Days Grace. Therefore, I would not consider myself ignorant or close-minded towards other genres of music. I appreciate good music when I hear it, regardless of the genre.That being said, I seriously do not understand why fans of death metal enjoy the music specifically the band Cannibal Corpse. I listened to their most popular songs Make Them Suffer and Hammer Smashed Face hoping to find something likeable about It and I could not. I had preconceived notions regarding the song titles but my mom taught me to never judge a book by its cover, so I listened. The first thing that set me off when giving these songs a try was the overwhelming instrumentals (heavy electric guitar and drum use) that made it hard to hear/ understand the lyrics.Good instrumentals are important characteristics of a successful song, but dont necessarily mean the song is bad without them. Next, I read along the lyrics while listening to the songs and I did not Like the lyricism at all. The text spoke of death, agony, and other malicious acts being performed or felt by people. When I listen to music, I tend to stick to upbeat artists that sing on inspirational material, with the occasional stereotypical rap song thrown in when looking for a song to have fun to. I suppose that may have been my own bias when listening to death metal.I try to have a beginners mind when trying something new but the song titles, Instrumentals, and lyrics gave off the vibe of satanic and demonic-type music hat made me feel uneasy when listening to death metal. The first song that I listened to by Cannibal Corpse was Make Them Suffer. I searched popular songs by this music group and found this, hoping that since it was popular it would be the type of song to open me up to this type of music. Like I said before, I like to come into new things with an open mind so I tried not to let the song title throw me off and give me a biased pollen before listening.Unfortunately, the song did exactly what the title said to me. The heavy electric guitar, drums, and vocals called death growls together made an unpleasant sound that made it both arid to follow along and to take seriously as a respectable genre of music. Furthermore, lyrics such as Make them suffer! Make them plead for cessation, entirely demoralized and close to mass extinction Did not appeal to me. Immediately, I looked to the comment section of this Youth video to read what viewers found appealing about this music.Numerous people stated that the song was soothing, this is what I listen to when I want to relax, and after a hard day, this is what I needed. Others said that they related to this song with regards to how they felt about the world. A few also commented that it brought back pleasant memories for them. I wondered; What pleasant memories could be brought when listening to this song? What kind Perhaps these people have some repressed (or not-so-repressed) anger towards the Nor. I can only imagine what they have been through during their childhood or adolescence.It is a scary thought, honestly. But since I do not know their struggles, I can only continue to imagine. My ignorance was clearly showing, so I decided to think of the positives and see from the point of view of fans of this music. It seems like Cannibal Corpses music would be great to pump you up for a workout at the gym. No couldnt get pumped up when listening to such fast paced, heavy music? The second song I listened to by the Cannibal Corpse was Hammer Smashed Face. The lyrics in this song were a bit more brutal than the first song as the title may suggest.The guitar riff, drums, and vocals were very intense. Some lyrics from the song included: Eyes bulging from their sockets with every swing of my mallet I smash your bucking head in, until brains seep in through the cracks, blood does leak distorted beauty, catastrophe steaming slop, splattered all over me. I was speechless upon reading those lyrics. What about that is appealing? How can any normal, non- psychotic person enjoy listening to these lyrics? I thought to myself. To answer this inquiry, I interviewed a couple friends of mine that would call themselves fans of death metal.My first friend, Shannon, said that she loves the riffs, how heavy it sounds, the anger behind it and the purpose. She described how there are different growls such as pig growls and that every vocalist has a different sound and technique. Another reason why I like it is because you get so many death metal bands that sound so different and its great fun exploring them all, she stated. My other friend, Yanking said he would also tell me what was appealing about this genre of music. The instruments behind it are amazing stimulating emotion and letting Ho feel the pain through the drums, guitars, and occasional violin Earning someone scream l am the man they couldnt hang, a force-fed son of romance. Took these hooks and kissed your head I killed twelve dead, baby! I am an addict running Inter, a closed door annihilator. Mother ere, burn buried in your bone garden! can really pump you up, but at the same time calm you down. pleaded to Yanking, asking what about these lyrics was interesting. The lyrics are usually amazing, deep, and brilliant. Unlike a lot of pop songs that are repetitive and cliche, metal music can add a beautiful-nightmare tone to the words.When I close my eyes listening to music like this, I see a gothic wonderland of a sort, and it makes me happy like a sparkly vampire would for most girls my age. I guess, I kind of am fan girl for the people I picture singing this Lovely and deathly. It was clear that Yanking has a strong love for death metal music and I respected that. Most of the feelings he associated with death metal were some of the same things I felt towards rap and hip hop. The instrumentals from some hip hop songs definitely stimulate happiness and elation, and not to mention again, great memories Vive had in the past.While I may not see why these commenters are fans of this music, I can sort of understand why they are fans of this music. Perhaps the same Nay Im a fan of rap/hip-hop, thats how they see their music. I have many memories Ninth rap and hip hop songs, and when I listen to them I get taken aback to the place I having. Death metal fans and I may have different definitions of good memories but can relate to the feeling of euphoria a song from the past can give you, and that just be what they experience. I did more research online to see fans reasons of enjoying the genre and to expand my understanding of this.One person said: l like the really heavy bass tone that comes with it, plus the lyrics are hilarious. They only sound the same because your ears are untrained. Something clicked in my mind when I read this. I could finally relate to death metal. Hated when people generalized hip hop, too! When people who primarily listen to a genre other then hip hop and I ask them on their opinion on hip hop, they usually say All hip hop sounds the same and All hip hop and rap sing about is money, girls, ND drugs. In fact, they are Just generalizing hip hop when songs in the genre come in many different styles, artists, and song topics. Those rookie listeners has an untrained Just as I am to genres outside of the one they would call their own. I realized that the same way outsiders would criticize hip hop music was the same way I was on the outside looking in on death metal. Im now sure that death metal has many different sound, but I may Just be too ignorant to be able to distinguish the differences or appreciate the sound and lyrics in the songs I listened to. I have learned a lot about the genre of death metal and actually life through the process of completing this assignment.When youre on the outside looking in, it is hard nearly impossible to Judge the inside accurately. While Im on the outside looking in at death metal music, would generalize the genre and think that it all sounds the same. This was the most eye-opening part of this whole assignment. I Nas Judging death metal and the band Cannibal Corpse on the basis of a 2 songs. Nile, in the past people have wrongly Judged rap and hip hop the same way. I was being a hypocrite by doing the same thing with another music genre. At first, I found it hard to understand what fans of this genre found entertaining and enjoyable about it.However, after listening to Cannibal Corpse songs, interviewing fans, and conducting online research I began to get some understanding about how the fans eddied this. While I still wouldnt consider myself a fan of Cannibal Corpse or death metal, I can respect other peoples taste of music more. Personally, taste has been shaped through my environment, memories and life experiences Vive had with this music. Now I understand that this could also be the same for fans of death metal, and thats why they enjoy the music.I have learned to not let my ignorance get the best of me because I dont like when others ignorantly Judge something I feel strongly about if they are misinformed. It is important to explore a new idea/event/topic vigorously before giving a definite Judgment on it. And even then you may still not be in the position to give a fair, accurate review of it. Thats where opinions come into play since we cannot all be expert of every area, so we give our premature thoughts on a subject. I consider this assignment as a great learning experience and I will keep this new value and teach it to others from now on.