Monday, May 18, 2020

Essay on Health Promotion - 1670 Words

â€Å"Health is defined as a state of physical, mental and social well being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity† (WHO). Like wise health promotion is the process of increasing the functional capacity of all people hence promote the sense of well-being. In order to accomplish this goal all health care professionals have to work hard by submitting themselves to their patients and community as a whole. Thus globalize health promotion should be the ultimate mission for all health care team, especially for nurses. Nurses are the first level health care team therefore nurses should play as a role model to all human beings. They should hold various positions in order to achieve optimum results. In this evolving health industry†¦show more content†¦The impacts of health promotion are healthy population and healthy environments. People need to commit themselves in strengthening their learning skills and to change their necessary life styles in order to im prove their health. The Purpose of Health Promotion in Nursing Practice: Health promotion is utmost important to optimize and or to ensure a globalize good quality health. It is a multifactor approach and moreover the health care costs can be reduced to a great extent. Thus today’s bad economic condition can be changed greatly. This enables every individual to function effectively and appropriately. It is necessary to explore concepts of health by interactions between physical, social, psychological and spiritual aspects of life.(Edelman 2010). To prevent further progression of diseases and various opportunistic infections nurses should implement multiple health education strategies and teaching styles. While assessing the patients and their families, present health status, their education, economy, supportive systems, learning skills and its strategies all have to be taken in to consideration. Furthermore implementing primary, secondary and tertiary preventive measures to promote health of all populations in every country thus globalize health promotion is achievable. 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